I love spring. I love the way that it makes hope and new resolve well up in my heart. I love the sky. I love the cool wind on my skin. I love to see peoples toes make there first appearances. I love to watch my kids play in the sun, their little round, rosy faces looking at me with utter delight and carefreeness(I know that is not a word.. but it should be) I want to have picnics, go for walks, wear dresses that dance in the wind, pick armloads of wildflowers, lay on my back and watch the clouds… I just love spring.
Today was a really good day. I started babysitting for an old childhood friend of Steve’s named Kristen. She has 2 really cute little kids. Kylee(22mo.) and Kole(3mo.) I was a little apprehensive because taking care of other peoples kids has never really worked for me. Let’s take a walk down babysitting memory lane… There was the woman who wanted me to come to her house and watch her 3 kids everyday and also do a little “light” housekeeping. It turns out this woman was a complete spoiled brat and on my first day she had me organizing her closet and hand washing her unmentionables. The clincher was when she expected me to clean up after she and her husbands “sexcapades”. We’re talking throwing away the condom wrapper and washing other “soiled” laundry. Needless to say it lasted 2 whole days until I said “See you piece of crap later” and got another job. There’s the “handsy” dad. The OCD dad. The bratty kids. The little girl that wouldn’t come out of her room… the list goes on. But this is VERY different. The kids are so sweet and their mom and dad are so laid back and just plain nice. Plus it’s $250 a week. That helps us a lot right now. Anyway, back to Spring. I love it…So,you go spring! Kick winters ass!
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